Friday, March 30, 2012

Buenos Aires and Montevideo

So I've spent the past week and a half in Buenos Aires and then Montevideo, Uruguay. Buenos Aires is crazy.....massive city but surprisingly not many sights to see. I'm getting a little tired of the city. I'm still amazed as to how all of the Argentinean people aren't morbidly obese, because all they eat is pizza, pasta, bread, fried "mileta" or some sort of beef, and  PAPAS FRITAS. "Papas fritas" are french fries that come with literally everything you order. I cannot touch another papas frita for about a week. Besides that...while I've been here I've seen a part of town called La Boca..which is full of colorful old buildings. I've also been to the Recoleta, which is an old and really cool cemetary in Buenos Aires. On the way to the Recoleta, we ran into a huge celebration in the streets for the anniversary of the Revolution? Still trying to figure out if it was a protest or a celebration...or both? That's the great part of South never know what's really going on!! I'm glad to have met some really great people  here, and I'm glad that I got to meet up with my favorite Aussies, Tess and Adrian here and in Montevideo. I dragged my newly found Canadian friend, Josh, on the ferry over to Montevideo on Monday. Montevideo was freezing, and super windy, but we managed to have fun. The Uruguayan people are really nice....but they walk super slow....just an observation. Not a whole lot to see or do in Montevideo, but I'm glad I got to go. Back in BA today and taking a 17 hour bus to Iguazu falls tonight....yay! I hope my IPod keeps its charge! Coming soon: awesome waterfall pics.

La Boca

Cool painted horse also in La Boca.

Buenos Aires city center...start of the crazy parade/people in the streets.


The celebration!

La Recoleta Cemetary

A cool grave in the cemetary...former first lady of Argentina.

Another cool grave.

We had a guide in the cemetary who was very informative...this woman fell into a coma and they believed she was dead. She was actually buried alive, so they say she is the only woman in the world to "die more than once". Cool story.

Some important man..


This was a really cool fountain in Montevideo. You carve your initials and the initials of the one you love into a lock and then lock it onto the gates of this fountain. The legend says that one day the two lovers will return to the fountain again.

Fountain in Plaza Independencia in Montevideo.

Josh my little Canadian.

Freezing by the coast....the wind almost knocked me in!!

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